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Dealer Dan, pictured here with WWE Superstar Mick Foley, has been in internet marketing since 1996. He likes hugs, long walks on the beach, and making money while wearing his jammy jams. For more information, you can read all about Dealer Dan.

Author Archives: Dealer Dan

Starting a Trading Affiliate Website

Starting a Trading Affiliate Website: A Beginner’s Guide Focusing on Commodities and Gold Markets written by an affiliate who reads …  Continue reading

Posted in Non-Gambling Affiliate Guide

10 Tips for Promoting Mobile Casinos

To no surprise, over the years, I have seen more and more affiliates out there gravitate towards promoting casinos that …  Continue reading

Posted in Casino Affiliate Guide

Analyzing “Above the Fold”

The term “above the fold” in relation to a website, is what people see when they first visit a website …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Analyzing Bingo Sites in 2023

Online bingo is something that I’ve always had a fascination with, and something I’ve always wanted to promote. I used …  Continue reading

Posted in Bingo Affiliate Guide

5 Improvements WDW Bingo Can Make to Improve Conversions

Online bingo is one of those niches that I promoted lightly over the years, never really got too much into …  Continue reading

Posted in Bingo Affiliate Guide

Analyzing a Bitcoin Casino Ranking Website

I was contacted by the owner of, asking if I could do an audit of his website and I …  Continue reading

Posted in Casino Affiliate Guide

Cleantalk: What I Use to Block WordPress Comment Spam

For many years, I used Disqus on my wordpress websites when it came to comments. It seemed to do an …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

5 Things Pokieslab Are Doing Right….

….and 3 things they can improve upon. A lot of my latest website audits have been critical of websites, and …  Continue reading

Posted in Casino Affiliate Guide

How To Improve

Alex had e-mailed me requesting a public audit of his website Like all websites, I browsed it first of …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

You Don’t Need A Gambling Audience To Promote Casino Games

I think one large misconception new affiliates have when it comes to gambling affiliation, is that they absolutely HAVE to …  Continue reading

Posted in Non-Gambling Affiliate Guide

Thank StatsDrone It’s Monday

(Apologies if you received two e-mails; one was an old one in support of Randy Ray. It seemed to get …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

10 Tips To Improve a Catch-All Gambling Site

While I certainly enjoy spending time auditing websites, both publicly and privately, it can really take up a lot of …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Auditing An Indian Lottery Website

While I don’t do this often – I had another webmaster contact me about auditing and consulting on his website …  Continue reading

Posted in Casino Affiliate Guide

Auditing An Italian Gaming Website

While I don’t write too often on here anymore, I still am heavily involved in the gambling industry. I still …  Continue reading

Posted in Casino Affiliate Guide

Partnering with a Friend on a Website or Business

Yes I’m still alive! Hope everyone is well. I don’t write on Affiliate Bible too often anymore. The reason for …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Timeular It’s Monday

Been quite awhile since I wrote one of these “Thank _____ It’s Monday” articles! I said recently that I’ll only …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Invest Time….AND Money

Most of you reading this website are people who have recently started an affiliate website, or are considering starting one. …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Working In One Hour Blocks

I’ve been in internet marketing in one way or another since 1996 approximately and doing this 100% as a living …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Hostgator It’s Monday

Wheee – been a little while since I have written on here hasn’t it? Hope everyone is well. The last …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Legend Affiliates Program Review

I very rarely work with brand new affiliate programs. I have a few reliable affiliate programs that I promote, and …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

What Is Negative Carryover?

While it’s not so common among affiliate programs these days, there are still a few affiliate programs that offer No …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Roboform It’s Monday

Not sure if I should be thanking Roboform or Statsremote actually – both programs have made for a couple of …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Being Done Audits It’s Monday

Whew – I last wrote on here in January 2017. The article I wrote was 2017: The Year of Website …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

2017: The Year of Website Audits (For Me)

My corporation got audited during the Summer. Like actual IRS audited. That was……interesting. Obviously the word “audit” is enough to …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

The Two Year Plan

In 2012, I created the website It was a time limited niche site focused on the 2012 European Championships. …  Continue reading

Posted in Sportsbook Affiliate Guide

Thank Pokemon Go It’s Monday

This week I’m going to dedicate the article to the incredibly popular Pokemon Go game. I’ve actually spoken to a …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Roger It’s Monday

The gambling affiliate industry lost one of its pioneers this weekend with the passing of Roger Shriver. If you knew …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Redesigning a Sports Betting Site

This is an article I wrote back in April 2010 for Randy Rays Poker SEO Blog. The original article link …  Continue reading

Posted in Sportsbook Affiliate Guide

Thank Random Ramblings It’s Monday – Part 4

This is a continuance of a series of articles I have been writing where I’m clearing up my “Affiliate Bible …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Random Ramblings It’s Monday – Part 3

This is part of a series of articles I am writing where I am going through my old list of …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Random Ramblings It’s Monday – Part 2

Welcome to random ramblings part 2. In the first article I explained that I have a big list of notes …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Random Ramblings It’s Monday – Part 1

I’ve written about it here before but all of my work revolves around “to do lists”. I have 3 sets …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

An Ebook I was Writing – chronicling

About 4 years ago, I purchased the domain The No Deposit niche is an extremely competitive one, and I …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Ripoff Alert: Jon and Derek from

I wanted to make affiliates and affiliate managers/programs aware of Jon and Derek, two affiliates within the industry. These guys …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank 5pm It’s Monday

Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2016 has been good to you so far. It’s funny – when you work for …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Fallout 4 It’s Monday

I work too much, and I’m well aware of that. I don’t work for money, I don’t work because I …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Taking Your Ideas And Enhancing An Existing Site

A couple of months ago I wrote an article entitled 5 Websites I’d Like To Build If I Had The …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

So Disqus Doesn’t Delete Spam Comments

I’m a big fan of Disqus – well, sort of. I’m more a big fan of the idea of a …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

The Best Competition is Yourself

As someone who has coached many new affiliates over the years – I’ve seen a common trend. An affiliate becomes …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Sports Betting It’s Monday

(Forgot to hit publish yesterday – my bad) Over the past couple of years I’ve moved away from gambling affiliation …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Walking It’s Monday

Man do I ever love walking. About 6 weeks ago, I decided to start running every day and focus on …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

5 Websites I’d Like To Build If I Had The Time

I get a lot of e-mails from potential new affiliates or new webmasters who want to make money online. Unfortunately, …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Pebble It’s Monday

This week I’m giving thanks to the next marvel in the evolution of technology – smart watches. In particular, Pebble. …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Apps It’s Monday

This week I’m thanking apps it’s Monday. The reason for that is there pretty much is an app for everything. …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Chance It’s Monday

This Monday I wanted to thank the wonderful thing called Chance – both taking, and giving. I thought about it …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Spieth It’s Monday

Thank you Jordan Spieth. Not only for putting on such a beautiful performance. Not only for winning, after I had …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Focus It’s Monday

Focus is something that I think a lot of us take for granted, yet it’s a character trait that is …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Age It’s Monday

Hey, remember me? Yikes. It’s been awhile since I wrote a T_IM on here. With good reason. I don’t really …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

How To Install SSL On Your Website

In 2014, it came out that Google was using https as one of their many ranking signals. Now this is …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

So I Got Hacked…

Murphy’s F-ing Law. In my past few T_IM articles I’ve went on and on about security for your WordPress websites, …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Clocks It’s Monday

The clocks went back here this weekend – and man am I ever thankful. Since coming back from our trip …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Vacation It’s Friday

Yikes – been a couple of weeks since I last wrote on here. Sorry about that. Been very busy both …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

How To Promote Daily Fantasy Sports in 2014/2015

It’s the next big thing – Daily Fantasy Sports. 4 years after I wrote an article telling everyone to promote …  Continue reading

Posted in Non-Gambling Affiliate Guide

Interview with WBX Affiliate Manager Peter Arena

When people think “betting exchange” they normally think of Betfair. However over the past few years many other betting exchanges …  Continue reading

Posted in Interviews

Thank Diversification It’s Monday

It was about 2-3 years ago where “Diversification” became a popular word amongst gambling affiliates. Many people were realizing that …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank The Fappening It’s Monday

Whew – you might have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of The Fappening. To sum it …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

How To Set Up A Development / Backup Site

You say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks – but that’s clearly not true as even this old …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Simple It’s Monday

Over the years, I’ve became a really simple person. And yes – just typing that, I know how silly it …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Every Website Needs A /blog/

The meaning of the word “blog” is something that has really evolved and changed over the years. Initially coined for …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Rain It’s Monday

Man, what a crappy Summer we have been having. The weather here in Ontario has been BEYOND brutal. Usually it’s …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Do You Even Adblock Bro?

While talking to a few affiliates last week, I happened to ask how many of them use the browser extension …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Hey Businesses – Get Your Twit Together!

Do you like my play of words? This article is about businesses being crappy on Twitter – but instead of …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

10 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Launching A New Website

Dealing with new affiliates on a daily basis, I see the same issue cropping up time and time again; people …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank USA It’s Monday

This week I’d like to thank the United States of America, in particular their soccer team for what they have …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Italy It’s Monday

Thank you Italy, and thank you Super Mario Balotelli for defeating England on Saturday night in the World Cup. Being …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Building A Website I Expect To Be A Failure

Every affiliate has websites that are successes and failures. However never do we actually build a site with the idea …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Rangers It’s Wednesday

By Rangers, I mean the New York Rangers. If you know me, you’ll probably be surprised by that title. I’m …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Twitter Descriptions and How To Do Them Right

If you run a business or a website and want to use Twitter for marketing, there is one basic method …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Coke It’s Monday

I love marketing. I remember getting to pick our classes in high school when I had turned 16, and one …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Victoria It’s Monday

I’m thanking Victoria it’s Monday because it is Victoria Day here in Canada. Honestly, I had to check Wikipedia just …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Partnerships It’s Monday

Partnerships in the affiliate industry are an interesting thing. Most of you have probably had them. Unlike the real business …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

The iWriter Scam

First let me state that this scam isn’t being RUN by iWriter or anything like that. This scam isn’t exclusive …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

(NOT RECOMMENDED!) FanDuel Affiliates Review

Note: All Affiliate Program reviews are revised and updated on a monthly basis for total accuracy. This Fanduel Affiliates review …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

Betting Partners Affiliate Program Review

Note: All Affiliate Program reviews are revised and updated on a monthly basis for total accuracy. This Betting Partners review …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

Thank Warrior It’s Monday

On Saturday, April 5th 2014 I was in New Orleans at the WWE Hall of Fame. Due to ridiculous amounts …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Affiliate Edge Affiliate Program Review

Note: All Affiliate Program reviews are revised and updated on a monthly basis for total accuracy. This Affiliate Edge review …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

Slotland Affiliates Affiliate Program Review

Note: All Affiliate Program reviews are revised and updated on a monthly basis for total accuracy. This Slotland Affiliates review …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

Thank Fools It’s Tuesday

April Fools of course. What a great day. It’s a great day because you legitimately get to be an ass …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Peddigrew It’s Monday

I’ll get to the title of this weeks T_IM at the end of this post. Something else I would like …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Revamping A Dead Website

Despite being in affiliate marketing since 1996, there are still quite a few basic things that surprisingly I’ve never dealt …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Pandora It’s Monday

It’s funny – when we think of every day software that increases our time management and productivity etc, we’re always …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Super Bowl It’s Sunday!

Seriously – isn’t today just the greatest day? It’s something you don’t get in sports like NBA or NHL or …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

6 Goals I Aim To Accomplish in 2014

Well 2014 is now here. While I’m not a big resolution guy, do I enjoy taking some time at the …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Bedtime It’s Monday

Today is the first day of the Christmas holidays being over with, which means the kids are back to school. …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Time It’s Monday (Again!)

I’d actually written a Thank Time It’s Monday article earlier this year, but it’s a positive thought that really bears …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Affiliate Roundtable: Life After Affiliation

While deciding on whether or not to attend next years London Affiliate Conference, I was thinking a lot about just …  Continue reading

Posted in Interviews

Thank Bye Weeks It’s Monday

Anyone who is in a Fantasy Football League, got to the playoffs AND managed to get a bye week this …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Coffee It’s Monday

In a weird fact about me – up until this year, I’d never drank coffee. Not once. About 70% of …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Betting Tips It’s Monday

Whew – been awhile. How’s everyone doing? I’ll get into where I’ve been in a second, but I just want …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Gilligan It’s Monday

Thanks Vince Gilligan for the best TV series ever. ’nuff said. With Breaking Bad over, I thought I’d go through …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

10 Methods I’ve Used To Get Backlinks In The Last Few Years

Affiliate marketing for the most part is easy. Building websites? WordPress makes it an absolute breeze. Content writing? Easy to …  Continue reading

Posted in General & SEO Affiliate Guide

Thank Reacher It’s Monday

Reacher Said Nothing. I am of course talking about the Jack Reacher book series, written by Lee Child. It can …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank September It’s Tuesday!

Probably my favourite month of the year, for so many reasons. First of all – the weather. I’m from Scotland, …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Breaking Bad It’s Monday

Don’t worry, no spoilers. I haven’t actually watched last nights episode yet. Due to my wifes school schedule we probably …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Time It’s Monday

Or lack of time awareness, to be specific. If you’re trying to get ahold of me – I’m not around …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

PKR Affiliate Program Blacklisted

I’ve worked with PKR since they first launched back in 2006. I’ve always liked PKR. From a player perspective what …  Continue reading

Posted in Affiliate Program Reviews

Affiliate Bucket List: 11 Things To Do in 2nd Half of 2013

Well, we’re just past the 6 month mark of 2013. Halfway through the year. This is usually a good time …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Targeted Marketing It’s Monday!

This week for T_IM I want to have a themed article – Thanking Targeted Marketing It’s Monday. It is inspired …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Silva & Murray It’s Monday

Whew – what a weekend when it comes to sports. Without a doubt one of the most memorable weekends in …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog

Thank Canada It’s Monday

So it’s actually Wednesday as I write this – but hey it’s been a crazy few days, and today is …  Continue reading

Posted in Dealer Dans Blog