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Welcome to the Affiliate Bible Step by Step Guide to being an affiliate marketer. This affiliate guide is going to hold your hands through every step of the process, and take you from “I have a great website idea” to “Holy crap I have a great website that’s making me money!”
This guide may seem overwhelming however I’ll tell you straight up: if you’re looking to be a successful affiliate marketer, you need to read this guide. It doesn’t matter your experience. I don’t care what internet companies you have worked for, or what your brothers friend who “knows SEO” says – this guide will do more than steer you in the right direction; it’ll stop you from making the beginner mistakes that I see 99% of affiliate marketers make.
Even if you’re already an experienced affiliate or have some experience with affiliation – read this guide. It’s so easy to get complacent as an affiliate marketer – especially when you become successful – that it helps to get a refresher course in the very basics of internet marketing.
I know you don’t like to read. This is the internet. People skim. However I am asking you to make a cup of coffee or tea, sit back and relax, and read absolutely everything I have written in this step by step guide. If you want to be successful, you’ll do that.
Don’t worry – I have compressed the articles as much as possible, so that they get the point across without dragging out or getting too lengthy. I’ve edited each article down to the bare minimum – and then we move on to the next step. Sometimes I’ll link to relevant articles where I have expanded on certain topics that I cover in the step by step guide, in case you want to read in-depth about a particular subject.
Right. Got your cup of coffee ready? Sitting back and relaxed? Let’s begin the affiliate marketing step by step guide. You can navigate between steps with the links at the bottom of each page. Which look like this:
And here is a full list of all the articles contained in this step by step guide: