Well since the step by step guide began, we’ve really accomplished a lot.
Honestly, the hardest work is done and you should be proud. You have no idea how many affiliates fail before even getting to this step. Hell, most affiliates fail LONG before this.
You’ve accomplished so much and you’re now an affiliate marketer. Let’s quickly cover what we’ve went over:
Before Reading:
- You wanted to become an affiliate marketer.
After Reading:
- You have an actual functioning website!
- It has a pretty design!
- It has 5 optimized articles!
- You have a great domain!
- You have web hosting!
- You have 200+ more ideas for future articles!
- You’ve learned how to use a content management system!
You’ve taken the first and biggest step into affiliate marketing. Seriously – be proud of yourself. Most people won’t get this far, and the ones that do half-ass it and don’t have a clue where to go from here.
You’ve did an absolute awesome job. I want you to first congratulate yourself for getting this far. Because now you’re ready for the next step…
Making Money with your brand new website!
Let’s get rolling…