The clocks went back here this weekend – and man am I ever thankful.
Since coming back from our trip to the Caribbean last week – mornings have been a pain in the arse. Waking up around 5-6am, it’s just pitch black out.
In the winter when the snow is here – I don’t mind that. It gives it a really cool feeling in the morning when the whole world is just lit up by snow.
But this past week – just brutal. I’m not sure why but it’s just felt depressing – and frustrating as hell when taking my dog out for a walk. She’s an old dog with various issues and a morning dog walk has her stopping to take a crap 3 times.
With it being so bloody dark, I’ve had to take a flashlight out with me just to pick it up which is just a hassle.
So it was so nice this morning waking up and heading outside – and actually being able to see. Thank you clocks for going back – you’re giving me that extra motivation in the mornings that I’ve been missing this past week.
Saint Lucia:
We went to Saint Lucia and holy crap is that ever a great country.
The all-inclusive resort we stayed at was the Coconut Bay. It was a pretty great resort – but then most of them are. Only disappointment was with it being on the Atlantic side, the beach was pretty much useless and you couldn’t see a thing in the water – ruling out snorkelling.
However we made sure to travel around the island visiting it and taking in the sights. Some really cool stuff from waterfalls to sulphur springs to mud baths to a freaking volcano. It’s actually got a freaking drive-in volcano – a volcano that you can drive right up to.
That was just awe-inspiring, and really cool to see. We also went to the other end of the island to check out the much clearer, calmer Caribbean Sea. Probably some of the best snorkelling ever there – just so much below the water and so clear.
The island is small too – and the roads are just crazy. Winding up and down big hills, around tight corners etc – I expect they have such a low population because at least 50 people a day must die on the roads. It’s cool though being able to go around a whole country in a few hours.
Highly recommended.
I Love Year End:
By that I mean the actual year end – not business year end. No-one likes that one.
It’s the beginning of November, and it gives you a chance to reflect. It’s crunch time now – the end of the year is coming shortly. I find it’s a really nice time to take stock – figure out what you want to do over the next few weeks, in preparation for the end of the year.
Me? I decided to start taking a day off.
I’ve often got a “day off” in my schedule. What that usually means is I accomplish all my morning tasks(which dependent on the day can take most of the morning) then the rest of the day is mine.
But now I’ve went with a full blown day off a week – a day where I don’t even touch the computer once. I’ll glance at my e-mail for anything important but that’s it. Everything else I’ve hired out.
Personally I think something like this can be important depending on your work. I find time away really helps the ideas formulate in the head. Like while on vacation, I happened to have a brainwave about something adsense related, came back and boom 25% increase thanks to that change.
Always good to take a step back once in awhile.
In this new era of QBs – I just want to say a quick thanks to Tom Brady and Big Ben Roethlisberger for showing everyone that you can’t write them off just yet.
I have sports on in my office 24/7 and I think it was Week 4 in the NFL when all the NFL Network, TSN, and The Score talked about was that Tom Brady was DONE. They were already talking about the Patriots replacing him, and had completely wrote him off. Like it was just disgusting how bad they were talking about him. As the Lakers go 0-4 we’re starting to hear the same about Kobe.
What’s happened since then? Brady has came back in ridiculous fashion. He’s probably the most on-form QB at the moment, and absolutely destroyed Peyton in the shootout yesterday. Meanwhile, the Steelers are quietly becoming a big threat – everyone had written them off this season, and then Roethlisberger goes out and throws 12 touchdowns in 2 games for a new record.
Good to see that sometimes, old dogs don’t need new tricks.
I’ll end this weeks article with a link to a podcast I was on this week.
It’s over at BettingWebsites.org – it’s focused mostly on sports betting and what it’s like to be a tipster – but I try my best to sneak in some answers about the affiliate side of things.
And have a great, productive week. It’s a new month – make it your best month yet.