I get a lot of e-mails from potential new affiliates or new webmasters who want to make money online. Unfortunately, the majority of them seem to have no original ideas on websites they want to run. Oh a poker room review website? A website that offers sports tips? How cute.
When I point out to these people that a website like that is going to be difficult and they should look at going after a specific target market within that niche they then ask me what website they should build. Really? You’re stumbling at the very first hurdle? C’mon.
Now I’m a busy guy. I’ve got lots of existing websites to run and maintain and always have projects on the go. That means that I can’t launch new websites like I used to anymore. Hell -we’re halfway through the year and I’ve launched just one website – BetWWE.com – with no more expected until the fall.
It doesn’t mean I don’t brainstorm; I have a spreadsheet with over 1,000 ideas for websites. Unfortunately I prioritize, and that means that those project ideas will stay on the spreadsheet for a little while longer.
I thought it would be a fun idea to list 5 websites I’d LOVE to build if I had the time. While I probably won’t build any of these this year – maybe this can inspire some of YOU to go out there and build one of these sites. I’ll probably do a few follow ups to this article over the next few weeks with many more ideas.
#1: Podcast Text Recaps
Podcasts are extremely popular, and there are a variety of different types of podcasts. There are a lot of podcasts that are more newsworthy or full of interesting stories – but also a bit of fluff. Basically the sort of thing where you don’t have to listen to it for an hour – you could read a recap in under 5 minutes and get the general gist of it – and the meat of the podcast.
I’ve tested this out in the last year – doing text recaps for a couple of podcasts. The reaction was big, and submitted on a small site that gets between 1,000 views to 20,000 views per article, they got 12,000 views. So there is a market there and it’s extremely easy and shareable content.
#2: New TV Show Website
Long time readers will remember my story: after the end of Lost, myself and a business partner decided to launch a website dedicated to a TV show featuring a main Lost cast member. We narrowed it down to Alcatraz or Person of Interest. We went with Alcatraz which was canceled after its first season – while Person of Interest now has 4 seasons under its belt and is very popular. Oops.
With the Fall TV season coming up in a few months though – I’d love to pick a new show and build a website around it. While you’re not going to to make millions on a site like this – you’re looking at minimal work of 1-2 articles per week. We did 1 article that was a live recap, and 1 article which was basically a review and thoughts about it. We were getting tens of thousand of visitors and hitting the $x,xxx mark a month in income even though our monetization methods were not as good as they could have been.
#3: Upcoming Movie Website
Similar to the last one – but focus on an upcoming movie.
This is one I’d love to do just for the sheer curiousity of how it would work out. Posting all of the upcoming news from the minute the movie is announced. Based on a book? Talk about that, post reviews. It’d be a really neat project and although I don’t think the money would be there – it still has my curiousity.
Imagine a website based on The Equalizer for example – starring Denzel Washington. A new sequel was announced for that just last week – so it would have been cool to have a website on that movie, think it’s all but dead a year after the movie has been released – then see the world breathe new life into it in the form of a sequel.
I highly doubt it would be a big money maker – but it’s something that I think would be a fun project and could bring in a decent amount.

#4: Sportsbook Perspectives
On my website Sports Betting Tips, one of the most popular series of articles is a blog article called “Sitting Down With The Bookies”. In those articles, we talk with Sports Interaction about the week that was and get a sportsbooks perspective on all things sports.
They’ll talk about changes in the betting markets, or if they got hurt in the previous week in terms of the bets, or if they had a good week. They’ll offer betting advice etc.
I’d love to create a website where that is the ONLY thing being discussed. You’d be surprised at the diversity between sportsbooks. For Sports Interaction for example – as they have a ton of Canadians as members, they see more bets on the NHL Canadian teams than any other book and have to counter that with the odds.
It’d be really cool for situations like LeBron going back to Cleveland, or McDavid possibly going to the Oilers. Sitting down with them and getting their perspective on the odds on these newsworthy events, and could be a great resource with awesome shareable content for Sports bettors.
#5: Q&A Website
This is something I’ve already did a few years ago with CasinoAnswers.com and it’s something I would do again in a heartbeat.
If you are looking for a content rich website presented in a user friendly way – it’s hard to go wrong with Q&A.
People are used to asking questions – especially online. Dive into the longtail variations of any primary keywords and you will see an absolute ton of them. All of the content ideas are pre-written for you too; look on Yahoo Answers. Look on forums. Look on Reddit. Look on Twitter. Just a few of the many, many resources available for content ideas.
Hell a few days ago I wrote that I just bought my first smart watch. Before I made my decision on the Pebble Time? I googled questions I had on it! With literally just 30 seconds of research, here is 20 random content ideas for you if you went for a “Smartwatch Answers” website:
- What smart watches are there?
- What is the difference in the Pebble and the Pebble time?
- Does the Apple Watch tell the weather forecast?
- Can the Pebble Time display the weather?
- What features does the Pebble time have?
- What is the battery life of the Galaxy Gear?
- Can the Pebble Time take pictures?
- What smart watches have cameras?
- What is the best smart watch for runners?
- What is the cheapest smart watch?
- What kid friendly smart watches are there?
- Do smart watches need a cellphone?
- What is a smart watch?
- How do smart watches work?
- What colours does the Apple Watch come in?
- How do you make your own watchfaces for the Pebble?
- Are smart watches waterproof?
- Is the apple watch waterproof?
- Where to buy an apple watch?
- What apps does the Pebble Time have?
Seriously – you could have over 10,000 freaking articles on that type of website. And the great thing about Q&A websites is you can repeat the key content in similar articles.
For example – let’s say the “are smart watches waterproof?” article was getting the most search engine traffic. I may want to go for other keywords around that. I could go with “List of waterproof smart watches?” or “How waterproof are smart watches?”. And of course I can get into the brand niche – “are apple watches waterproof?” “are pebble time watches waterproof?” etc etc.
There’s just 5 examples of websites I want to build – and that you could go out and build and be making money from.
I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with 5 more ideas.