This week, I’m celebrating what is probably one of the greatest motivational tools of all time: a to do list.
To Do Lists are my bread and butter; I use them for absolutely everything. They’re great for keeping track of work, for organizing work and of course doing work.
If you remember, we revamped CasinoAnswers.com in November. It ended up being a bit of a rush job at the end, as I always work better when something is “half-completed but live” as opposed to making sure everything is ship-shape on our test environment first.
However the redesign coincided with me not doing much work for a period of time, so the to do list I had for Casino Answers just sat there. Until this week, where it had grown to over 60 items. There was so much on there. 404 errors needing fixed, widgets to add, graphics to update, pages to redirect, tables to design, content to update, links to update.
There was a lot.
Me and my team worked at it all last week however, and managed to take everything on over the last week. The To Do List dramatically decreased from 60+ items to 0 items, as of 3:32pm yesterday afternoon.
It’s such a great feeling. And I would not be sitting here with that feeling of success right now, if it weren’t for my to do lists. Well, or my employees I guess, but I value my to do lists just a tad more!
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned the software before, but I rely 100% on Turbonote. It’s a sticky note program that sits in your system tray, and it’s something I’ve used since the early 2000s. They’ve stopped updating the software, but it still works incredibly well and is well worth the $30.
Thank you Turbonote, and thank you To Do Lists. You’ve got me pumped for a great week.
Themeforest Themes Review
I absolutely LOVE Themeforest. It’s a website that offers a ton of incredible website templates in a variety of different formats, like WordPress, PSDs etc. I visit it every day to see what’s new, and I’ve spent quite a bit there on themes.
However one thing I have to warn people about a lot of the themes there, is that you really have to take them “as is”. If you look at a theme, and feel that you like 80% of it but 20% is going to require changes and customizations…I’d highly recommend looking for another theme instead.
These themes are perfect “out of the box” in terms of functionality, but they can be a coders worst nightmare when it comes to customization. I’m primarily talking about the WordPress themes here.
So just wanted to post a heads-up about that. As I said I DO love Themeforest themes, and I could spend all day browsing there, but remember going in that there changing things around in their themes unfortunately can be a fair bit of hassle.
I’ve no idea how long this site has been around, but someone pointed Tengaged.com out to me last week, and man it is quite a fantastic concept.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the TV show Big Brother – well this is similar to Big Brother and also other reality shows like Survivor etc, as it’s basically an internet version of it. I’ve seen a few appear before, but this is a concept that has been done extremely well.
To quickly summarize – you join a game. Depending on your level, you can only join a limited amount of games. Your goal is then to survive to the final 3, by making alliances etc. There’s also additional games where you play stuff like Deal or No Deal which helps your “score” and makes you more valuable in-game.
What it ultimately comes down to is 15 people sitting at their computer, staring at the same webpage over and over. Every few minutes one player gets eliminated, but the games take about 2 hours to complete.
So what this website has managed to do, is capture a users attention. For up to two hours! Then they run games that take place over the course of a few days, requiring users to come back constantly.
Think if the amount of ads they’re able to serve to users. Users who are sitting there, waiting for a countdown for an elimination. And then how likely it is that, if the ads are targeted well, they click on them.
Overall it’s a really fantastic concept, and it’s a combination of basic marketing and out of the box thinking. What’s interesting is they currently don’t serve any ads(that I’ve seen).
Great concept, and a site I’d recommend studying and following over the next little while, to see how they monetize it.
Link of the Week:
Another great marketing method. What I like is how refreshing and honest it is. In one of the most oversaturated niche out there, these guys really stand out. “Not Lazy. Efficient.” That’s a fantastic motto.
It makes me laugh too, when you think of all those online poker rooms that rely on hyperbole. Oh yes I really believe you’re the “best online poker room”, even though you’re just a skin on a network offering their basic promotion package!
A lot can be learned from that type of upfront, honest marketing.
Time To Build Another To Do List:
And this one is entitled “Affiliate Bible Redesign”. Going to be fun. I’m quietly optimistic that the work involved in this, as we’re practically duplicating the Casino Answers design(just with another colour scheme), will be a breeze.
My To Do List will make sure of that!
Have a great week all. I’ll be back at some point this week with an article examining the scammiest marketing techniques of all!